Our School
School Mission Statement: “Dream Big”
More than anything we want all Stakeholders of W.Y.S.O.E. to:
D - Develop into future leaders through best practices and academic achievement.
(Peer to Peer Observation, TDD, Coach Feedback, District Grade Level Meeting)
R - Respect themselves, staff and other adults through use of positive behavior strategies.
(BMC-Behavior Management Cycle-100%, Strong Voice, Explicit Direction, Narration)
E - Engage in 21st century learning daily.
(Technology use, Writing skills)
A - Aspire to accomplish future goals.
(College Career Readiness Fair, Job Portfolio, Extra Curricular Activities, and Student Service Projects (ex. Book Buddy)
M - Maximize learning by working collaboratively with peers, staff, parents and the community.
(PINKK, Boys To Men, Staff Outings, Bell to Bell Instuction, Academic Conversations, PLC, Parent Conference (Student Led))
School Vision: “We Operate in the Spirit of Excellence”
School Motto: I.M.A.G.E - I Must Achieve Greatness Everyday
School Programs:
- 21st Century- After-School Program
- Robotics/Bush Tech Cadets-Technology Club
- Girls Who Code: The Girl Code
- Panther Basketball
- Panther Pom Pom Girls
- Panther Cheerleaders
- Panther Lil Poms
- Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Program Grant
- Restorative Practices
- Behavior Attendance Grades (BAG) Program - The “Behavior-Attendance-Grades” program provides an opportunity for students that have been identified as at risk students because of one or more of these elements to receive direct instruction on 9 character traits. Each trait will be introduced and discussed in detail in a classroom setting and students will participate in community service learning projects as well as activities and lessons to help develop a better understanding of how to be successful students.
- Values In Actions
- Peace Days
- Playground Champions
- New Teacher Induction and Mentoring
- Check & Connect
- PARCC Boot Camp
- Boys To Men
Contact Us
Kim Jones-Riley, Principal
Email: kim.jones-riley@estl189.com
Dr. Lawrence Rainey, Assistant Principal
Email: lawrence.rainey@estl189.com
Katina Griffin, Assistant Principal
Email: katina.griffin@estl189.com
Marquata Hudson, Clerk
Email: marquata.hudson@estl189.com
Phone: 618-646-3930