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Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

PBIS is a proactive approach to establishing behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional, and academic success. It involves explicitly teaching behavioral expectations and acknowledging positive behavior.

Some key principles of PBIS include: 

  • Defining and teaching clear behavioral expectations
  • Monitoring student behavior
  • Providing predictable consequences for problem behavior
  • Arranging classrooms and schools to promote positive behavior
  • Collecting and using data to make decisions

PBIS creates systems of support for implementing practices with fidelity and efficiency. It is a multi-tiered framework, providing differing levels of support based on student responsiveness.

Schools implementing PBIS aim to create positive school climates, improve safety, decrease negative behaviors, and promote positive social skills and academic achievement for all students.


Program Advisors
Tira Brockman-Cherry

The goal of Positive Behavior Support is not "perfect children." Rather the goal should be creating the perfect environment for enhancing their growth." 

Randy Sprick


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 August - Cooperation
 September - Responsibility
 October - Self Control
 November - Respectful
 December - Compassion
 January - Integrity
 February - Kindness
 March - Courage
 April - Perseverance