Yondr Pouches will be an encouragement tool for our students to engage in distraction-free, in-person connection throughout the school day. Research has shown that a distraction-free environment for students has improved focus and engagement both in the classroom and socially.
Wear your college and career gear every 2nd and 4th Friday!
Information to come.
Red Ribbon Week takes place each year from October 23rd through October 31st. Join us in our mission to help keep kids drug-free!
WYSOE's Homecoming '24 theme is "Arabian Nights." Please check out the list of events for Spirit Week!
We are excited to see you at our Sy24-25 Open House!
NWEA Testing begins April 29th!
Please join us May 1st for Family Engagement Night!
Want to show off your flyest gear? Get ready for Dress Down Day, Friday, April 19th! The cost is $1.
The Kindergarten Bridge Ceremony will be May 14, 2024. Please contact your students teacher for more information.
The Fourth Grade Bridge Ceremony will be May 14, 2024 at 1:00pm. Please contact your students teacher for more information.
Spring Pictures will take place April 22 & 23, 2024.
Please be sure to celebrate WYSOE teachers by letting the know how much you appreciate them!
WYSOE's very first 8th Grade Class is going to high school!
We are now collection Chromebooks from all WYSOE students.
The "Queen of His Heart" Mother-Son Dance will take place on May 8, 2024 from 5pm - 8pm in the gymnasium.
We will host our annual Sports Banquet on April 19th at 6pm in the gymnasium.
WYSOE's 7th and 8th grade scholars will be showcasing colleges and universities during this year's College Expo.
The SD189 Poet Warriors gives parents & guardians a way to express themselves through creative writing and performance. Experience isn’t necessary — all you need is the courage to try!
The P.B.I.S. Word of the Month is perseverance. Perseverance is the continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.
On April 8, 2024, East St. Louis School District 189 will be in the path of near totality for the solar eclipse. You should have received a PARTICIPANT RELEASE, WAIVER, AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK form from your student to be signed and returned.
Track season has started and the track team is looking for your support.
April 1-5 is National Assistant Principals Week! A huge thank you to Assistant Principals Katina Griffin and Lawrence Rainey for all the ways you show up for WYSOE students!! #APWeek24
WYSOE 8th Grade student brings home First Place in the Jr. Beta Club Speech Competition at this year's Illinois State Beta Club Convention.
Want to show off your flyest gear? Get ready for Dress Down Day, Friday, March 15th! The cost is $1.
IAR Testing for 3rd - 8th grades will begin March 7th promptly at 8:30am. We want your student to succeed so please make sure they have adequate rest, arrive on time, and have a healthy breakfast.
School Social Work Week is marked every first full week of March to celebrate school social workers across the nation and appreciate their work in helping students achieve academic success.
The P.B.I.S. Word of the Month is courage. Courage is the ability to do something that frightens one; strength in the face of pain.
Congratulations, Panthers' Boys Basketball Team on bringing home the 2024 IESA 7-1A Regionals Championship!
The P.B.I.S. Word of the Month is kindness. Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate; a kind act.